Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Welcome to Bananaman's blog

Welcome to Bananaman's blog. Bananaman believes several things:

  • The level of wealth inequality in society today is immoral.
  • Government spending is needed to achieve long-term goals.
  • Protecting the environment is essential to the future of civilization.

If you believe that the gap between the rich and poor is not a problem, government spending is inherently bad, and/or that climate change is a myth, this blog is not for you.

This blog will consider ideas (large and small) that redistribute wealth from the 1% to the 99%, enable ordinary people to effectively exercise political power, encourage socially desirable behaviors, and invest in the long-term needs of society.

Bananaman is interested in ideas that are "outside the box" and is not especially interested whether or not these ideas are feasible in the short term. Each idea should be considered on its merits. At the same time, Bananaman firmly believes that all ideas should be evaluated based on evidence and that many well-meaning ideas have negative unintended consequences.

Bananaman will rate ideas on the Banana Scale

Five Bananas: Great idea!

Four Bananas: Seems Promising

Three Bananas: Good idea. Might have some problems

Two Bananas: Well intentioned but flawed

One Banana: This won't work

No Bananas: This is just stupid!

Join Bananaman as he unpeels interesting ideas.

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